Wellness RISK Management (WRM)

Brief Description

The Internet's Most Thorough ‘WellnessRISKManagement' Online Compliance Platform.

Wellness RISK Management is a 'Person to Person' Wellness model based on lessons learned in a chiropractic science-based practice over 5 decades. There is no AI in any part of our program.

The Four Behaviours Surrounding POOR Wellness.
The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing, AND people doing the things science has show they should not be doing, AND thinking the things science has shown they should not be thinking, AND not thinking the things science has shown they should be thinking.
So, How Do We Deal with ALL That?

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5 pdf Documents as a Brief Overview.

Measure - Assess - Identify - Prioritize - Motivate



See our one page Motivational Document The Wellness Needs People Have


With Wellness RISK Management motivation appears to be the most important key factor. To help people with motivation we have built a measurement program, a library of Wellness articles, several integrated web sites, a Tutorial Workshop program and a statistical program to help business Manage Wellness RISK in their workers.


In Addition
We recognise that some people may have pain issues and some people may have weight issues. These issues are dealt with in a NON-therapeutic fashion using Dr. Ouellette's two workbooks on the PainReliefDiet.


Featuring Anonymous Wellness RISK Measurement 

When you finish reading this page: enter the main pages of WRM click here.


Give yourself an advantage in life. Learn how to Manage your Wellness RISK. 
Your FUTURE is in your hands. Learn how to make the most of it. 

Plus, Easy-To-Understand Rules of the Roadway to Optimal Health Secrets and Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies!


We recognize Wellness weaknesses in Participants and recommend tasks to address these weaknesses. 

We help people prioritize and comply with Wellness science.


Cost free to the company that a Participant in WRM works for.

See STATEMENT on Wellness RISK Management

See the Read-More page.


People need somewhere to go to measure themselves against Wellness Science.


People need somewhere to go to help themselves meet their needs.


 There are quite a variety of strategies necessary.

We understand the problems involved with helping people improve their Wellness behaviour.

We see our job at WRM as partly teaching and partly motivating.



Online Anonymous Measurement combined with Human Connection using Wellness Tutorial Workshops


Welcome to WellnessRISKManagement.com

If you are in PAIN!
PDF Document
Dirty Pain, Clean Pain, How Do You Tell the Difference?



See the Company and Worker Decision Tree here.




Wellness RISK Management is a Wellness Service to help people help themselves with science-based Wellness Strategies. 

We are interested in people who wish to boost their wellness whether they are injured, sick, or perfectly healthy. First we measure to find out where they are at, then we develop an Action Plan and set up Tutorial Workshops to help people fine-tune and perfect their Wellness strategies.

Our online Measurement Program gives us numbers so we can compare how well a person complies with Wellness science, and compare how they fair over time.

Our online Tutorial Workshop Program helps people troubleshoot the problems life puts in their way on the roadway toward science-based Optimal Health Secrets, in the Self-Help field.

Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies are things most people want to learn. We help with that.

What Are Your Wellness RISK Numbers?

Own, or manage, a business? 
Interested in helping your workforce? 
 Why cost free to the company? 
A Note to Politicians   
Offering Intensity - Duration - Focus
See the Company and Worker Decision Tree here. 
To enter the working pages of WRM click here.  
Already know you need Wellness Help. Contact Us. 
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