Company Enrollment Form
This form is for companies
only please.
Company enrollment is free for the company.
After a company contacts WRM, a Pre-Fill Form 0 will come to them in an
WRM receives the Pre-Fill Form 0 back, then Form 1 Company
ENROLLMENT FORM will come to them via email attachment in pdf format for confirmation that the data is
all accurate.
The company FORM0 must
have one thing done correctly.
The Company Contact person's email
must be unique in the WRM system. If the Contact person also enrolls with WRM, or is already enrolled with WRM, then they must use a personal Non-company email
address. This is in order to keep data confidential.
The company FORM1 must have two things done
When enrolling a company, the
contact person must check off the Agreement box (Item
The contact person must place the
date they complete the Form1 and send it into
These three items above are checks on
accuracy and understandings and will stop the enrollment process if not done accurately.
A City or a Municipality can also be a company.
To ensure accurate information we have a Two-Phase protocol for
enrolling a company (City or Municipality). Our protocol sets every company up with a management cohort and a
worker cohort for anonymous statistical gathering purposes. A company can further divide those cohorts into
smaller more manageable groups. An individual worker will be part of one of those cohorts.
Steps to Enrol a Company
1. |
Contact us if we have not contacted you, and ask
what you need to do to enrol your company.
2. |
The following data below will be required. Try to
include that data when you first contact us. |
- - - - - - - - - - -
Select a Contact Person in the company to troubleshoot issues with
WRM. The contact person should have basic computer skills, email skills
and internet web page skills.
What should we call your company-- (Note: You can change this name later if
you have reconsidered your name.)
1. Company Name: (No
Hyphens are allowed in names please.)
2. Company address: for a specific location.
Every sub location of a company will have its own address. A Head Office address cannot be used
more than once. (No Hyphens are allowed in addresses please.)
3. Company Contact Name:
4. Contact Person's Text
5. Contact Person's Email:
6. Owner/Manager Name:
7. Total people in company at this venue
8. Total people in the Main Management
9. Total people in the Main Worker
(external to the
Main Management group).
10. If you want either the Main Management group or the
Main Worker group, or both, subdivided into smaller sections please indicate
your wishes. Give a unique name for each sub-group and the total number of people who will be in each
sub-group. Please keep in mind that sub-groups with less that 10 worker participants enrolled with
WRM will not get amalgamated statistics on that
sub-group. It requires 10 enrolments within a sub-group to trigger the statistical generation process.
Texting will be kept to a minimum and reserved for any quick contact communication
that might be necessary.
New Company Wellness
Risk Management
Enrolment Protocol
WRM will enrol
all companies for free when a worker indicates they wish to enrol and are a worker of a company that
is not enrolled as yet.
A letter/email will be sent to the company indicating that worker has enrolled
with WRM and that company has been given a
complementary set of two enrolment research cohorts, one for the company‘s management team and one for the
company’s workforce.
The enrolled worker will remain anonymous as all measurement and enrolment of
participants in WRM are anonymous. Management
team people are also considered workers, but they have their separate research cohort.
Each company venue address is enrolled as a separate company name and the company
has a right to modify the name of the company in the Wellness Risk
Management records.
If a company wishes to provide data to WRM they can refer to
Wellness Risk Management will then start a formal company enrolment process by modifying the
WRM company enrolment files for that
See the next page now please if you may want to enrol one or more sub-group
cohorts. Some companies may wish to divide their workforce, or management team, into specific sections.
NEXT - Enrolling Statistical Cohorts