Decision Tree For Companies AND Workers

Wellness RISK Management

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Companies ready to consider a dedicated in house, or external WRM Instructor, click here.

Some people may not be ready to help themselves with improving their Wellness and thus, lowering their Wellness RISK. However, these people may be ready tomorrow, or next week, or next month. Wellness RISK Management will be here and ready for them when they are ready.

The decision needed to be made by these people will be to purchase their Enrolment Tutoring Workshop. Wellness RISK Management has an inquiry form to gather information about people interested in Wellness RISK Management. To help them make this decision, we have a ‘Read Me First’ webpage and an ‘Introduction’ webpage to help explain things to interested people. Further pages delve into the Wellness concept and our workshop model.


Companies Start Here
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Wellness RISK Management

  Decision Tree

(It's FREE for companies)

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Is my company interested in helping its own workers with their individual Wellness?


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Is my company interested in a NEW parallel Wellness program?


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Is the owner/management team on board with the concepts in Wellness RISK Management?

(FREE Enrollment for companies)


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Will my company invest some effort in regular (Monthly) reminders to the Workforce with regard to WRM Strategies?


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Can my company appoint a liaison person to connect with WRM?


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Is my company a large company with a lot of workers?


Contact us to discuss a reasonable way to divide the workforce into logical statistical cohorts.

We are starting the Pilot Program in Guelph Ontario.

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 We Enrol the COMPANY with
Wellness RISK Management.

(It's FREE for companies)


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Workers (and Non workers) START Here

Individual Worker  

Wellness RISK Management

Decision Tree

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Am I willing to invest some TIME in myself?


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Am I willing to invest some Money in myself?


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($89.95 CAD to Enrol with WRM)

Via Interac eTransfer at your bank online portal web page.


OK, great costs too.

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Have you checked with your work to see if they are already enrolled with Wellness  RISK Management.


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Purchase the First Workshop for
$89.95 CAD using  Interac eTransfer
See Link

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We then ENROLL the PARTICIPANT with Wellness RISK Management.


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Contact Us


Return to Index Page

Follow directly to Company Enrollment



Getting a Dedicated WRM Instructor

Companies ready to consider a dedicated in-house, or external WRM Instructor.

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Are there sufficient workers interested in WRM to sustain a WRM Instructor practice? 


Contact WRM to discuss.

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Would your company management team prefer an in-house instructor from your own workforce. 


Contact WRM to discuss.

(WRM Instructors are dedicated to keeping worker involvement ANONYMOUS.)

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Who is the first instructor in the WRM Pilot programs?

Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS

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Contact Us




Lead  & Follow Dances

Companies that have been involved with Wellness strategies for a while, and have a large workforce, may wish to offer their workers Lead & Follow dances as a source of physical and mental exercise.

Companies ready to consider DANCE as a form of Wellness will have some decisions to make.

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Where will the dance venue be located? Onsite or off site?

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Who will organize the function?

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How will the music be provided?

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What fees will be charged to dance?

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Will a Membership system be installed?

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What refreshments will be offered?

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What salaries will be paid?

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What dance lessons will be taught?

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What liability insurance will be necessary?

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Would the company wish to donate services or money to the dance cause?

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Contact Us



 And there is more

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As workers become comfortable with the Wellness RISK Management program they may wish to take advantage of several Divisions in WRM.

All 5 Divisions are Self-Help NON-Therapeutic Divisions.


 Five Pillar Workshops         Self-Help                    (Non-Therapeutic)

The Five Pillars are provided automatically by the WRM program.
 2.  Pain Relief Workshops       Self-Help                 (Non-Therapeutic)
 3.  Weight Loss Workshops     Self-Help                 (Non-Therapeutic)
 4.  Excessive Consumption Workshops   Self-Help   (Non-Therapeutic)
 5.  Dance Workshops    Self-Help  (Lessons and socialisation)
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