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The Pilot
Project for new companies/organisations is designed to assess the amount of worker
interest in Wellness strategies within a company.
We help people move toward more regular
science-based Wellness behaviours.
Intro about Dr. Ouellette
Ouellette trained in Canada and graduated as a chiropractor in 1973. Continuing studies in multidimensional
fields Dr. Ouellette obtained a Master of Science Degree in Biology 1987 (with emphasis on
Nutrition) and a three years
sports injury course in 1989. And yes, the overlapping of the two courses was difficult but,
Ouellette is a Certified Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences
Developing Wellness RISK Management as a new non-health care related industry became a passion. Biology is biology, health-care is disease-care and Wellness is multidimensional. It is the
same for all race types, and belief ideology structural types. Learning
all the secrets is the key.
Step one
is "Where are all my Wellness needs?" Step two is "How do I meet all my needs every
Wellness, Let’s Get Started. The basic
concept with regard to Wellness RISK
Management is that people can’t do Wellness alone. If they could, we would
not have the degeneration that we see in our communities now-days.
The media, the Internet, healthcare professionals, and allied Wellness
specialists, do not offer complete multidimensional Wellness Risk Measurement. What they offer is their own
private version of a truncated Wellness that fits their skills. There is nothing wrong with that really.
Wellness is complex and complicated. People need full Wellness RISK Management in order
to build an effective, meaningful Wellness improvement.
There is
one place that covers cutting edge nutritional science, pertinent clinical red flags, and Chronic Disease
Prevention Strategies. It’s thorough, complete and covers all of Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health
Secrets, plus much more.
forward in life on a Self-Help basis, whether it be overall Wellness, weight loss, natural pain relief, or attitude
improvements, starts with measurement and then requires trained help. Wellness RISK Management is that
We are looking
for people who feel they have not found what they’re looking for with regard to three categories of Wellness,
1. Overall Multidimensional Wellness, 2. Natural Pain Relief and 3. Weight Loss.
We offer
an online measurement program, and a workshop program, to those people looking for help to meet their
Wellness needs. Please contact us for more information.
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We help people move toward more regular science based Wellness
behaviours. |
Intro Note to Businesses
Hello, my name is Victor Jean Ouellette. I would like to introduce your company to
Wellness RISK Management and explain how we can help your management team and workforce team become more
well on an individual level.
Our measurement program is
available online and tutoring workshops can be delivered online as well.
With politicians doing the best they can and healthcare
officials doing the best they can we see that the ‘best’ is a guess due to lack of science in
multiple areas of concern as the past pandemic unfolded.
Although this is understandable and can be argued
as reasonable, for instance, why have specialists if you don’t listen to them? We should be
clear on the guessing process and the multiple plentitudes of various local experts all with
their own area of responsibility.
Wellness, Wellness, Wellness
Putting money into Wellness strategies looks like an obviously good
idea. Wellness RISK Management is not a guess
at what to do about Wellness. It is based on hard science, including a lot of it as quite well
established science.
We see that a very important factor in
inflammatory processes is the state of health to start with before contracting the pathological
problem. This is why this term ‘comorbidity’ is used to caution people. Most of us have several
things going on inside us that are not quite right on the Wellness scale.
Wellness Numbers
To get going on Wellness we Need
Numbers. Wellness RISK Management puts numbers to Wellness RISK and provides help to manage
those numbers and lower the Risk. We can all use better Wellness. We can all find some things
in the Self-Help Action Plan items that we should be working on for
better Wellness RISK Management.
Wellness RISK Management is even more
important than ever.
Dr. Ouellette
RISK Management measures people for multi dimensional
Wellness then offers tutoring workshops to help people achieve all their identified actions necessary
to move forward with Wellness.
Introducing Dr. Ouellette's
Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets.
no-cost-to-company program.
We will show your company how to build a no cost to the company program to
improve individual Wellness in management teams and workforce teams with a Wellness RISK Management Directorship program. It will involve establishing a long term program in
your facility. We will manage that process for you and it is all at a no-cost-to-company protocol. Individual
workers who enrol cover their own costs to get measured and engage in Tutoring Workshops.
At this time we would like to identify your company's decision-making team and
meet with them to and show how we can help.
We know management teams and workforce teams are under great stresses these days.
Science has shown us a way we can help ourselves. Wellness
RISK Management is dedicated to the field of
Can we please meet and discuss
- Wellness
RISK Management,
- Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets and
- WRM Directorship program that will establish a long-term
self-sustaining Wellness
RISK Management service in your company?
All 5 pillars below lead to improved blood flow.
Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets
Five Keys to Health and Wellness Through Optimal Health
Improved vascular blood flow is our goal, however, we want to do it
correctly. Science leads the way. Wellness RISK
Management shows the multidimensional way.
Nutrition |
Avoid foods that plug the vascular system. One might say
that wisdom starts in the brain of the digestive system. Yes, the intestines are a brain unto
themselves. Ignore nutrition at your peril. (Get measured.) |
Exercise |
Push the heart rate properly to your limits. Learn the
rules of exercise so you are safe. And, learn how to get measured
first. |
Spinal Health |
A bad spine is the scourge of humankind. If the spine
doesn’t work right then everything goes off the rails. Get measured. |
Rest & Relaxation |
Very important for balance, healing, recovery and
improved blood flow. Remember, it is blood flow that brings the immune system everywhere. Do
it right. Get measured. |
Attitude & Perspective in
Life |
Attitude flows through everything. The wrong attitude
takes you nowhere fast. Need to learn? Get measured. |
Numbers tell your Wellness story. Without numbers you can’t manage Wellness. We
provide 38 numbers. Get measured, get your numbers, then, get going. Wellness RISK Management Tutoring Workshops
help with that.
If you are a company in Guelph Ontario, Canada then please contact
Options offer a little different focus in workshops. All options though, require
the measurement.
In addition to Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of
Optimal Health Secrets we address two further topics as optional choices for clients: Natural Pain Relief and
Weight Loss.
For both Dr. Ouellette’s Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet Workshop and Dr.
Ouellette’s Weight Loss Workshop, we consider all Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets.
For Weight Loss, we will delve into Dr. Ouellette’s Weight Loss
Formula. See our Library in the above link for
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We help people move toward more regular
science based Wellness behaviours. |
Intro Note to Individuals
Think of Wellness RISK Management like a
Wellness Matrix that is intricate, complicated and complex. The reason for this complexity is that
humans are integrated, complicated and complex. We are all multi facetted and multi talented with individual
However, as smart as we are, we need routine and we need leadership. Science
provides our leadership while Wellness
RISK Management Tutoring Workshops help us with routine.
- The Wellness Matrix requires understanding, persistence and
- There must be a starting point when engaging Wellness
- Each person will have a different starting point.
- Thus, we need an appropriate measurement system that tells each person where
to start, and at the same time leaves them options they can adapt, modify and customize on their
own. We have that system.
Complexity involves multi dimensional fields from pain relief, weight loss,
nutrition, exercise, spinal health, rest & relaxation and attitude & perspective in life in order to bring
Wellness improvement to both the body and the mind through mental health improvement and physical improvement along
with the reduction of health problems.
- The reduction of health problems requires the identification of red flags,
yellow flags and important clinical indicators. We measure for some of those too.
RISK Management helps people see a starting point in this matrix and
a roadway they can work on by themselves, or with our help. Wellness RISK Management works hard at maintaining
the humanization of Wellness improvement.
We leverage the healing power of human
A major requirement is that people must want to help themselves. We know everybody
SAYS "Hey, I want to help myself." AAAAND.... you have to do more than just say it. We show how. We show how to
invest time in yourself.
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