Wellness RISK M a n a g e m e n t
  Making Wellness a Priority, Creating Value for Society

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 Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies
 Helping Business Manage Wellness
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Payments with Wellness RISK Management

Wellness RISK Management does not ask a company for any payments.

Enrollment is free for companies.

The enrollment process helps us manage a company’s numerous workforce divisions.

It is the worker who purchases a Workshop program that will include measurement.

The worker should spend some Self-Help time reviewing our web sites.



The WellnessRISKManagement Model

A work force does not become healthy by the amount of money a company pays to get its workforce healthy. Instead, that workforce becomes healthy by increasing the number of individuals in the workforce who want to Self-Help themselves and improve their Wellness. Identifying the number of those types of people in a company is the goal of our Wellness RISK Management Pilot Project.

Consequently there is no fee for a company to enrol with Wellness RISK Management.

Would your company like to become involved, at no charge, with the Wellness RISK Management Pilot Project Program?


The thing to remember about Wellness RISK Management is that a person does not have to do anything they don’t want to do.



Discover anonymously what science says people should do, and how people should think with regard to Self-Help Wellness. Most everyone will then need some help to come around to deciding about doing their Action Plan List.



Not everyone will want to do all 126 Action Plan items. We understand that. What we help people with is moving toward the higher priority items for their particular lifestyle as first and second priorities for themselves and leaving the others until later.

A one year approach, with a new measurement every 90 days, helps a person see the trends in their Self-Help Wellness lifestyle. The next critical mind set point comes fairly intuitively.


"If you let yourself degenerate faster than normal, then you WILL degenerate faster than normal. To prevent that, and possibly reverse it, a person will need to begin training themselves to follow the science. They will need to Make Wellness a Priority."


First a person needs to discover where their Wellness RISK lies. Wellness RISK Management helps people identify and then Manage their Wellness RISK.


How do I do this?

Where is my RISK really at?

Follow the Science PILOT Wellness Program


The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing.





Find out today by enrolling with Wellness RISK Management.



Contact us today.

Special Note               

Wellness RISK Management is applied research at the science end of the scale.

Knowing Wellness isn't getting Wellness. Doing Wellness is applying the science. We show how that is done.

What Kind of Diseases Are Reduced with Wellness RISK Management?

All chronic diseases are reduced with multidimensional Wellness strategies because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies. Acute diseases are reduced, again because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies.

All organs and systems in the body benefit by reducing Wellness RISK. When the body moves toward optimal health by applying those optimal health secrets which science has discovered, then all parts of the body benefit. We live longer and happier due to less suffering from disease. We perform better at work, better at our recreation pursuits, and better at our interrelationship pursuits too.

Applying the rules laid out in our workshop workbooks and completing all action plan items indicated in the Wellness RISK Management Report of Findings is a ticket to better Health and better living.

It is not particularly easy to get there because we have to fight natural human tendencies that lead us toward disease and suffering.

Most people need help of one type or another. Delivering that help is what Wellness RISK Management is all about.