Wellness RISK M a n a g e m e n t
  Making Wellness a Priority, Creating Value for Society

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Five one page pdf documents to frame an Introduction to Wellness RISK Management







Discussing Wellness RISK Management

At The Individual Level

Let’s start the discussion on Wellness by asking "How well do you think you comply with Wellness science?"

With most people that question sets off a pause in the conversation. The reason is that Wellness is not a clearly defined term. Most people know there is a lot they don’t know about Wellness. And to take it further, most people don’t know what they don’t know and don’t do what they do know. Everybody wants better health for themselves though. Most people take up the easy things and do them for a while then life gets in the way.

We know that science shows evidence why people should behave a certain way and do certain things this way while thinking things these certain ways. Science also tells us not do things this particular way and not to think in this particular way too. Then the world leaves it all up to you.

Understanding your particular needs and priorities is a start on the roadway to Optimal Health Secrets. After that you have to come through with a performance. You have to do what science is leading you toward. Then a busy life starts to mess up your well laid plans.

Everybody has decided on a different strategy trajectory for themselves. Everybody starts from a different place on the Wellness RISK scale. Everybody likes a different set of priorities. Most everybody thinks they are right and that everyone else should join them on their pathway to a better body and mind. AND, a whole lot of people believe that magic plays a part in life. Things get very complicated, complex and confusing. Compromising is not a good term in most peoples mind when thinking of Wellness and with many people, compromise is never a good term on anything.

The people who don’t want to help themselves cannot be helped. But there are people out there who are willing to help themselves to a better, happier more contented life. They just need a better plan. They need a more robust strategy. They need a deeper understanding of themselves. Wellness RISK Management provides a thorough, comprehensive, anonymous Measurement tool, online, and a Workshop program for people to get deeply involved with their own multidimensional Wellness needs.

Measure - Assess - Identify - Prioritize - Motivate

Wellness problems do have solutions.

Contact us to learn how to get started.

We will help you move your thinking as well as your body and it is a great feeling.

Back to our Index page Brief Description.


A new program for people interested in boosting their Wellness and improving their immunity.

Explaining the Wellness RISK Management Workshop WRM Self-Help Wellness Course Pilot project to a business.

Workshops and WRM Self-Help Wellness Courses are the same thing. They are just different names to explain the process.

Learning Self-Help is the key.

Wellness RISK is a concept that does not mean one is sick. What it means is that one might become sick in the near future, or the distant future. For more information on this probability please read here.

Two Additional PDF Documents for Added Information  

  1. Individual Self Improvement with Wellness RISK Management 
  2. Pilot Project Wellness RISK Management 

A Note from Dr. Ouellette to a Company’s Management Team

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I am offering my services to begin a Wellness RISK Management Pilot Project in your company to assess worker interest in a self-help multidimensional program to teach chronic disease prevention strategies, boost immunity and help people become more well. Contact us please to set that up.

If sufficient interest is found in your management team and workforce then we can offer to establish a long-term Wellness RISK Management Directorship Program to train an Assistant Instructor in your company to be your Director of Wellness RISK Management. I will be asking your company to commit to Making Wellness a Priority for your worker and management teams.

Our program is a 'no cost to your company' program because individual workers choosing our program pay the fees. People come to us who feel they would like to improve their Wellness RISK, learn chronic disease prevention strategies, and get help to encourage themselves to build an ongoing Wellness program for themselves that will boost their personal immunity and help them focus on priority items.

  • This is a Self-Help, client-centred program teaching people how to gain the benefits science has proven effective in multidimensional Wellness. 
  • Our efforts are focussed on the individual’s compliance with Wellness science. 
  • We measure compliance on a voluntary, anonymous basis, then offer Wellness RISK Management Tutoring Workshops to help people troubleshoot their personal issues identified by the program. 
  • Tutoring Workshops provide the individual help people need to become successful with Wellness RISK Management. Our personalized help makes the difference. 
  • Each person has different needs and each measurement identifies new needs for a person. 

At the present time WRM fees are earned from these two processes.

  • The Measurement process 
  • The WRM Wellness Tutoring Workshop process 
We have an inauguration program that blends four measurements and hours of time with Dr. Ouellette for one workshop fee payment via Interac eTransfer.

Individual workers contacting us are the ones who pay the fees. We help those people improve their Wellness RISK focussing on their customized, identified needs. People should be thinking of Wellness RISK Management as schooling to learn Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies and lifestyle modification strategies. That all occurs in Tutoring Workshops.

We have found that it takes about four hours of individualized, customized, focussed help in Workshops to establish a Wellness RISK Management program with the average person who wishes to become more well. Ongoing workshop help will be made available to people who feel they need additional focussed help. The Workshop goal is to help people become self-sufficient with our measurement program and become self sufficient on complying with Wellness science.

Workshop fees are paid by eTransfer from anyone who feels they need help to focus on any particularly difficult Wellness issues in their lifestyle which have been identified by our program. Issues not identified by our program would be dealt with by the client using traditional health care services requiring therapeutic evaluation, diagnosis, treatment plan generation and delivery of those services.


For more information please see our Wellness RISK Management Pilot Project documents. We would be happy to meet with Guelph, Ontario area management teams in person to discuss our program. 

See the Privacy web page for a brief description of the online measurement process.

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Special Note               

Wellness RISK Management is applied research at the science end of the scale.

Knowing Wellness isn't getting Wellness. Doing Wellness is applying the science. We show how that is done.

What Kind of Diseases Are Reduced with Wellness RISK Management?

All chronic diseases are reduced with multidimensional Wellness strategies because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies. Acute diseases are reduced, again because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies.

All organs and systems in the body benefit by reducing Wellness RISK. When the body moves toward optimal health by applying those optimal health secrets which science has discovered, then all parts of the body benefit. We live longer and happier due to less suffering from disease. We perform better at work, better at our recreation pursuits, and better at our interrelationship pursuits too.

Applying the rules laid out in our workshop workbooks and completing all action plan items indicated in the Wellness RISK Management Report of Findings is a ticket to better Health and better living.

It is not particularly easy to get there because we have to fight natural human tendencies that lead us toward disease and suffering.

Most people need help of one type or another. Delivering that help is what Wellness RISK Management is all about.