Wellness RISK M a n a g e m e n t
  Making Wellness a Priority, Creating Value for Society

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Welcome to Wellness RISK Management.

Wellness as a Self-Help Protocol

We are looking for people who are interested in investing time in themselves to help themselves with natural Wellness and Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. Read more…

See- wellness-RISK-management-is-dedicated.pdf

Wellness RISK Management is a comprehensive cutting edge program to help people become more active with Wellness self-help.

Wellness RISK Management is an anonymous online program to measure Wellness Risk and identify what actions a person needs to do to improve their RISK.

A workshop program is offered to help people comply with the science on multidimensional Wellness. Five documents are produced by the program customized to an individual’s Wellness needs.

 1.  A 35 page Wellness RISK Report of Findings
 2. A one page progress chart indicating 38 Wellness RISK scores along with a second information page.
 3. An eight item Wellness Risk Improvement Action Plan prioritizing the first eight items.
 4. A 35 page Wellness RISK Management Instructor’s Notes file.
 5. A two page Healthcare Professional’s Information File indicating all 38 scores.


Five pillars of optimal health secrets are measured along with a number of other important clinical indicators. A percentage score grading is provided on 38 items. Interested clients are enrolled in an anonymous statistical gathering research program attached to an enrolled company, city, or municipality.

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Enrollment Costs

  • Wellness RISK Management is free for a company, city, or municipality to enrol. 
  • An individual enrols as a client in a four hour workshop program which can be offered remotely. 
  • The goal is to make people independent of professional level health care as much as possible. 

See- wellness-RISK-management-is-dedicated.pdf

For more information on how to enrol please contact Wellness RISK Management. Learn how the measurement is anonymous. Learn how the Statistical Research Program is anonymous.


Information Note from Dr. Ouellette, DC, MS:

My name is Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette. I am a semi retired chiropractor who has developed a Wellness RISK Management model to help people help themselves with multidimensional Wellness.                         

Wellness RISK Management is a new program model in the Self-Help field not connected to any healthcare profession including my own.

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Wellness RISK Management can nicely complement any Wellness program already offered to a company’s workers.
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  • At the present time I am offering a non-therapeutic pilot project in selected companies to determine if there is sufficient interest in the work force with regard to self-help Wellness and then to establish a long-term program. 
  • Wellness RISK Management measures Wellness RISK in a person and places a percentage score to each of five pillars of optimal health. 
  • WRM Self-Help Wellness Courses are offered to help people improve their scores by helping them complete an action plan develop for them by the anonymous online measurement program. 
  • There is no cost to a company to enrol in the Wellness RISK Management program. 
  • Interested workers would enrol in the program for four measurements and four hours of my time helping them manage their Wellness RISK identified by the measurement program.  
  • Workers will cover the cost of their WRM Self-Help Wellness Courses. 

See- wellness-RISK-management-is-dedicated.pdf

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I would be happy to meet with company management and discuss this new Wellness model in person. The key goal is to help people get on the roadway to helping themselves with science-based Wellness concepts including chronic disease prevention strategies. The program is a voluntary program for the workforce team and all measurements are done in an anonymous fashion.

It is difficult to manage something that you don’t measure. I have spent considerable time categorizing Wellness science and developing a measurement program connected to a workshop program in the self-help field.

Measurement results indicate how many things a person can integrate into their lifestyle that science has shown some evidence for in five selected pillars. People are left with the choice to choose which items they wish to work on first, second, third and so on. In the WRM Self-Help Wellness Course, we help people troubleshoot their lifestyle strategic efforts.

There is considerably more information on Wellness RISK Management inside our website. Please feel free to browse as you wish.

Enter Wellness RISK Management website, Read Me First.

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IN WELLNESS most people don’t know what they don’t know, and most people don’t do what they do know.

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 Thank you for your time.

Making Wellness a Priority

Creating Value for Society
Helping Business Manage Wellness
Teaching Evidence Based Wellness


NEXT Wellness as a Self-Help Protocol


Special Note               

Wellness RISK Management is applied research at the science end of the scale.

Knowing Wellness isn't getting Wellness. Doing Wellness is applying the science. We show how that is done.

What Kind of Diseases Are Reduced with Wellness RISK Management?

All chronic diseases are reduced with multidimensional Wellness strategies because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies. Acute diseases are reduced, again because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies.

All organs and systems in the body benefit by reducing Wellness RISK. When the body moves toward optimal health by applying those optimal health secrets which science has discovered, then all parts of the body benefit. We live longer and happier due to less suffering from disease. We perform better at work, better at our recreation pursuits, and better at our interrelationship pursuits too.

Applying the rules laid out in our workshop workbooks and completing all action plan items indicated in the Wellness RISK Management Report of Findings is a ticket to better Health and better living.

It is not particularly easy to get there because we have to fight natural human tendencies that lead us toward disease and suffering.

Most people need help of one type or another. Delivering that help is what Wellness RISK Management is all about.