Wellness RISK M a n a g e m e n t
  Making Wellness a Priority, Creating Value for Society

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Wellness RISK Management

(Home Page)

Follow the Science PILOT Wellness Program 

The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing.

Measure - Assess - Identify - Prioritize - Motivate


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Scroll Stage 3 of 5 Contact with Dr. Ouellette
A starting note from Dr. Ouellette re SARS
A short note to business owners and managers from Dr. Ouellette


We Manage an Individual's Wellness RISK through Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies helping people develop Wellness Skill Sets in the self-help field.


There are some difficult things in the Wellness field that need to be done in order to achieve complete Wellness. Different people find different things difficult. We help people identify those things and then work toward correcting them in their lifestyle.


Media, entertainment celebrities and sport celebrities have been involved with encouraging the public to become more physically fit for more than 70 years. Why has it not worked? Some young people pick it up but, not the elderly so much. One strong reason is that people need more individual help on individual needs. TV and the Internet cannot address those needs. A more personal, individual approach is needed.


Health is NOT created in the Health Care System.

To create health we need to look outside the health care system. Wellness RISK Management provides solutions in this regard.


Wellness RISK Management measures, assesses, identifies, prioritizes and motivates. Motivation is key.

Wellness RISK Management offers one-on-one and group workshops both in-house and over the internet.

Whether you have a business or are an individual, your first step is to contact us. Thinking you can do it on your own will leave you right where you are now. 


Hello, my name is Victor Ouellette. I would like to introduce your company to Wellness RISK Management and offer my services to set up a long term Wellness RISK Management program for your company. We call that program the Wellness Directorship Program.

Our goal is not just a strong body and a strong mind to reduce acute infectious disease reactions, but also to provide Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies in the science-based Self-Help field.

Ah, 2020!

One major thing we have all learned with this 2020 pandemic is that a poor Wellness profile, with chronic disease comorbidities, increases the RISK of a poor outcome should one get this particular infectious disease process. We would extrapolate that concept to ALL/ANY infectious disease process now, and in the future. We see that Wellness becomes very important indeed. Its time to Make Wellness a Priority.

  • Wellness RISK is discovered by a measurement indicating how closely a person conforms to the science on Self-Help Wellness. 
  • Self-Help protocols follow the science on Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets. 
  • Wellness RISK Management is an opportunity to learn Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies and find out if one has missed any of them. 
  • Helping-Oneself: We are interested in connecting with people who have an interest in learning how to help themselves with science-based Self-Help Wellness strategies and create lifelong routines for themselves. 
  • No-Cost-to-Business: Wellness RISK Management is a no-cost program for a company. 
  • Workshops are where real work is done: Wellness RISK Management workshops help people complete their Action Plan items identified as major needs. These items are based on answers given in the anonymous measurement program. 


Wellness RISK Management is all about taking care of yourself. The following is how you get there.

  1. First one gets MEASURED to find out where their Wellness priorities are, their needs are and their goals are all located. 
  2. Then one starts on the Roadway to Optimal Health Secrets and Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. 
  3. Starting with their Action Plan from their Wellness Report of Findings, a person learns how to help themselves. 
  4. A strong heart, strong lungs, strong muscles, strong bones, strong mind and a strong immune system are some of the things a person needs to build Wellness within. Measurement shows the way. 
  5. Measurement scores generated in the anonymous online program build a comprehensive Wellness Profile. 
  6. Thirty eight scores tell the Wellness picture, a story about where a person is on the Wellness scale and where they should be going. Sometimes people are going nowhere with regard to better Wellness. Subsequent measurements show where a person is actually going. If a person is going nowhere fast then Wellness RISK Management is here to help.
  7. Workshops are available to those who need help troubleshooting problem areas. 
  8. Most people need some form of help at one time or another. 
  9. Feeling better, living longer, being happier, staying healthy are the goals. 
  10. Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies are at hand. 

Wellness RISK Management is all about

Making Wellness a Priority.

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Vision Insight Values

Our mission is to establish Wellness RISK Management (WRM) as world leader in Evidence-Based Self-Help strategies improving multidimensional Wellness in the general population.

First we measure Wellness RISK. Then we build a Wellness Action program within Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets. Then we provide Wellness RISK Management Workshops to help people improve their WRM numbers and learn Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies.

Our short term vision is to provide numbers to guide the teaching of chronic disease prevention strategies to all those who wish to help themselves live better, live longer and be happier. 

Our long term vision entails dedicated venues devoted to all five WRM Worksop divisions, developing a network of comprehensive facilities to serve as local-centers for Self-Help Wellness knowledge and Action Plan development showing people the way toward Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies.

Business, industry and the restaurant food sectors are where we would like to see ongoing, long term commitments to Wellness RISK Management.

Change is how we grow. Building strong bodies and strong minds is achieved through change. That change does not require will power, but rather, routine. It is the routine we are all after. Wellness RISK Management can help with that.

● Patience
● Growth
● Fun
● Professionalism
● Structure
● Effectiveness
● Respect
● Collaborative
● Innovative
● Responsive
● Knowledge based
● Leadership
● Listening
● Hope
● Honesty
● Belief in others
● Commitment to multidimensional Self-Help Wellness
● Compassion toward those less fortunate
● Integrity

Our Three Companion Web Sites


Wellness RISK Management is Personal

Personal and Private
People should not be lead to identify what their personal Wellness needs are to other people. To that end our measurement process is anonymous.

We believe Wellness strategies at each stage should be voluntary. If people don’t feel they are ready for any particular strategy then it should not be forced upon them.

Wellness RISK Management works by leading people toward the science, then letting them work on strategies to integrate and comply with the science.

No Affiliations
Wellness RISK Management is not a part of, or affiliated with, any health care profession. It is new, exciting and worthwhile to people who want to help themselves. We ask a person to commit to themselves, to better themselves on the roadway to Optimal Health Secrets.

We expect people to come around to the more difficult things for themselves and settle into a routine they find comfortable for their lifestyle.

Each person is different, will have differing needs, differing tolerances, and differing priorities. The Wellness RISK Management Measurement process sorts those differences and priorities out for people.

To identify those priorities individually, we need to measure. The measurement must be comprehensive, thorough and necessarily complex. Why? Because people are complex.

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Contact with Dr. Ouellette

We will provide Wellness RISK aid to people who feel they need help modifying their Wellness behaviours to comply with Wellness Science.

We are providing direct contact with Dr. Ouellette. People who feel they need extra help turning Wellness science into a regular part of their life can contact us and learn how to begin incorporating 126 science based Wellness strategies, and chronic disease prevention strategies, into their lifestyle. 

The goal is to measure Wellness RISK in an individual then help them improve their 38 scores by helping them complete their Wellness RISK Management Action Plan produced from their scores.

The rest of this web site, and our two companion web sites, partly explain how that goal is accomplished.

Wellness RISK Management is not affiliated with any health care profession and does not provide therapies.

See Documents page for available documents or Please contact us. 

A starting note from Dr. Ouellette re SARS.

We now think it has been talked about enough.

The most important thing to grasp is that it is FITNESS, both physically and mentally, that is going to save your life in a pandemic. Wellness RISK Management shows people one way to gain multidimensional fitness -Wellness.

Wellness RISK Management is even more important than ever.

Dr. Ouellette


A short note to business owners and managers from Dr. Ouellette.

Wellness RISK Management
We are helping people who want one or more of five Wellness skill sets. Nutrition, Exercise, Spinal Health, Rest & Relaxation, Attitude and Perspective in Life.

Wellness RISK Management helps people bring themselves to do things according to the science. People still set their own priorities within their Action Plan List.

Our interest is in Wellness RISK Management through Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. Most companies have a few, or more, people who have several Wellness issues they would like to improve. Some people are struggling more than others and some are at much greater Wellness RISK than others.

Many people have no idea they are at a greater Wellness RISK nor do they know where their increased RISK lies. Not knowing Wellness Risk scores is one of the problems we offer to solve. Doing something about this RISK is the next step. Wellness RISK Management Workshops provide the help people need.

  • Our skill set is in helping individual people, and small groups, achieve mastery over Wellness science. My background is in the musculoskeletal pain, functional movement and nutrition fields. Over the last 50 years my past clinical life has been helping people gain improved function and reduced pain using multiple strategies including nutrition. Compiling Wellness science in a way that can be measured against the Self-Help field, is where I have spent a considerable amount of my free time.
  • I am offering my services to your company as a multidimensional Wellness Director. One goal we will offer your company will be to work toward setting up an ongoing, long-term Wellness RISK Management program at your facility should worker interest be sufficient to sustain an in-house program.
  • This would be a non-therapeutic program which I would start, then train someone else as an assistant and when ready, pass it along within your organization, or to someone outside if a company wishes that route.
  • We would initially be looking for people in your company base who feel they need some form of Wellness help that falls into the Self-Help field. That is a key point, the Self-Help protocol. 
  • Once your company is Enrolled with WRM, your company would simply notify management, staff and workers that Wellness RISK Management is available to them at this time.  Email us please for our company Enrollment form.
  • An online measurement process would start the program on a voluntary, anonymous basis. We would place all people who enrol in our WRM program into an anonymous statistical gathering research program cohort before they would start. We will discuss with a company if they might want any special research cohorts, for instance day shift workers, night shift workers or possibly a separation of various types of workers. 
  • My job would be to help people achieve the Wellness needs the program identifies for their specific lifestyle based on the answers they give in the online Questionnaire. 

Wellness has to be earned and that’s where I come in to show people how, and to help them apply Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies on a regular basis.

We are looking at developing a long term, low-stress environment that helps to keep a company’s management and workers, closer to the evidence-based science on multidimensional Wellness.

We would be happy to work in parallel with any ongoing Wellness programs your company might already offer. Our program is designed to be cost-free to companies.

We would be pleased to visit your management team and explain our program more fully.


Dr. Victor Jean Ouellette, DC, MS,

Certified Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada)

Master of Science: Biology (With Emphasis on Nutrition)

Retired Certifications: DNM, RNP, Cert. Acup

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Would you like to bring Wellness RISK Management to your company?

Contact Us and set up an interview.

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Some Definitions

Yes, we know we are repeating some information for emphasis.

  • Our business model has organised a three phase transition, 1st to a companies management, 2nd to other workers, 3rd to external clients. 
  • Separate statistical gathering research cohorts are planned for each phase. 

Making Wellness a Priority

Creating Value for Society

Helping Business Manage Wellness

Teaching Evidence Based Wellness

We are beginning our inauguration in the Mississauga and Guelph areas. Please Contact Us to set up an introduction meeting. 

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  • Introducing the Mississauga and Guelph areas to the concept of Wellness RISK. 
  • Offering companies a phased in implementation of our workshop program at no cost, or little cost, to the company. 
  • WRM developed from clinical practice and now is in the NON - Therapy setting. 


Introducing Wellness RISK Management

Wellness is a primary need for each person in our community. The type of Wellness we are interested in is multi-dimensional covering several topics of prime importance to our well-being. Science sheds light on those needs, and on how to meet those needs.

If a person is not following the science then they have a RISK. Measuring and Managing that RISK is what our program is all about.

Our Method of Operating!
We follow the paradigm:
Measure - Assess - Identify - Prioritize - Motivate

How do we achieve those goals?
Measurement is performed in a comprehensive, anonymous, online questionnaire. The assessment, identifying and prioritizing procedures are done via computer algorithm. Motivation is gained in workshops that provide both group-mediated help and one-on-one help as needed.

We manage Wellness RISK by running workshops to help troubleshoot the identified Wellness needs of people. We focus on the individual's identified priorities and reassess their goals within that framework.

Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets
Dr. Ouellette’s Five Pillars are Nutrition, Exercise, Spinal Health, Rest & Relaxation, Attitude & Perspective in life. They are all measured online with each having a score out of 100%.

Our Offer
We offer Wellness RISK Management as a no-cost to low-cost program for a company. We are looking for meaningful change with the client in control of their own progress. A company's cost might involve notifying their workforce via bulletin board or web site notices.

I would be happy to meet with you at your company to answer your questions and discuss our program further. I suggest rolling out with management teams first, then later progressing to a company's workforce.

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Clarification, Disclaimer

Everybody wants Wellness but, a lot of people have difficulty maintaining the actions science points us toward. We help with that. We have a new unique solution to the problem of maintaining Wellness.

Wellness RISK Management is a Self-Help program encouraging people to follow the science on multidimensional Wellness. We are ‘Making Wellness a Priority’ through Wellness RISK Management by measuring Wellness RISK, calculating 38 Wellness indicator numbers in an online anonymous fashion then providing a WRM Workshop program of five integrated workshops to mobilize people toward improved Wellness.

Wellness, is not health care. Health care is a moniker for disease care, a more polite more aesthetic way of indicating treatments for disease and injury. The idea with Wellness is to not get the disease in the first place.

Our go-to priorities are Self-Help, anonymous and Action Plan oriented. The idea is to keep ourselves out of the medical doctor's office and hospitals because they are both high RISK facilities. Chronic disease prevention strategies are what we all want to learn.

Clients enrolling in Wellness RISK Management will be measured with a anonymous online program, and then, at their own option, enter workshops by trained Wellness RISK Management Instructors, who are trained in the WRM Instructor Mandate.

In the development of the measurement program the science was carefully chosen to fall within the Self-Help field. This Self-Help mind set is where we want to be in our Wellness paradigm.  



We need to emphasize and clarify clearly that clients are not taught Wellness by WRM Instructors/Guides. That job is done by the WRM program, the Report of Findings and the two workbooks. Clients ARE taught how to troubleshoot their compliance with the science on multidimensional Wellness. The WRM Instructor’s job is to help people comply with the Action Plan produced for them by the online WRM measurement program.

  • The WRM Instructor’s job is thus, to guide the client toward WRM Action Plan Completion, and then supply new action plan items as needed. 
  • The instructor becomes more of a body-mind-engineer than a teacher. 

Workshop Protocol Format
Five workshop modules are available, all on a volunteer basis. The first and last workshops can be taken by themselves. The other three require the first workshop, the Five Pillar Workshop.

Wellness strategies obviously need the Five Pillar workshop. Wellness also means pain relief and weight loss as they are integral parts of Wellness. Wellness requires the Five Pillars in order to have a Wellness base to allow the pain relief and/or the weight loss concepts to blend together. They are all tied together biologically.

It is because the goals of pain relief and weight loss are aimed at a long term correction of the problem, that base line Wellness is provided by the Five Pillar Workshop Division.

Dance, on the other hand, is another 'ball game' so to speak. Dance workshops should be open to everyone, anytime as a form of reliable, regular exercise for the body and the mind. However, it is a more distant project in our implementation strategy. Dance is intended to come along when the client pool in a company is interested and ready. Dance is a fabulous exercise for both the body and the mind as we said. We are talking specifically about the Lead & Follow type of dance where the brain must memorize various step routines.

The excessive consumption workshop is obviously a choice for people who feel they have issues specifically in that regard. Although we are not a therapy organisation, we like to integrate important concepts that impact Wellness. The excessive consumption workshop is an awareness workshop pointing people in a direction they can take themselves if they wish too. None of it is mandatory.

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Let's now list and briefly discus the overall structural concepts of Wellness RISK Management.

This data is restricted.

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As one can see, the WRM is an ambitious program. We have completed programming and policy generation. Team development and partnerization awaits. Testing is mostly over and implementation is now in the active phase.

For definitions of Wellness RISK, and an additional outline of the program, see the web page at the definitions anchor listed below on our companion web site Wellness RISK. This link will move you off this present web site and take you to another web site that is a part of our organisation. https://WellnessRISK.com#definitions


Our three main web site links are located below, built for companies, individuals and governments. These web sites explain our program, our process, our vision, and what we see as the future.





Three review web site pages have been designed to help company reviewers more quickly grasp our new model.

For a more quick review read the first page here.



Then read the first page here.


And we assume you have already read the first opening page at https://WellnessRISKManagement.com



Although we have attempted to anticipate and answer questions in these pages, please bring us in to interview each other with your management team.

We see the future with integrating a new Wellness program in your company. Please consider Wellness RISK Management.

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NEXT - Leveraging


Special Note               

Wellness RISK Management is applied research at the science end of the scale.

Knowing Wellness isn't getting Wellness. Doing Wellness is applying the science. We show how that is done.

What Kind of Diseases Are Reduced with Wellness RISK Management?

All chronic diseases are reduced with multidimensional Wellness strategies because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies. Acute diseases are reduced, again because of the multidimensional nature of those strategies.

All organs and systems in the body benefit by reducing Wellness RISK. When the body moves toward optimal health by applying those optimal health secrets which science has discovered, then all parts of the body benefit. We live longer and happier due to less suffering from disease. We perform better at work, better at our recreation pursuits, and better at our interrelationship pursuits too.

Applying the rules laid out in our workshop workbooks and completing all action plan items indicated in the Wellness RISK Management Report of Findings is a ticket to better Health and better living.

It is not particularly easy to get there because we have to fight natural human tendencies that lead us toward disease and suffering.

Most people need help of one type or another. Delivering that help is what Wellness RISK Management is all about.